Notes for health and for the repose are not a myth and a fiction, but a modern reality
Before Easter, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine organized online notes for health and repose. Notes could be submitted by 10pm on April 18. One week after Easter, repose memorials could be filed to honour the dead. Unfortunately, the opportunity was only available during April 2020. Metropolitan Epiphanius states: “No temporal restriction can interfere with our love for our neighbors, which extends beyond earthly life. Wherever we are, it flows through our prayer into eternity, where the souls of the dead go. That is why praying at home and submitting online memos for the repose is a reflection of our love for the dead and the opportunity to remember their good deeds while they were still here with us. " We have long been prepared to address the ongoing problem of submitting an online note. In the Services section, you can submit for the health and for the repose notes at a specific temple of your choice. Moreover, you can put a candle using this service. Through this function, every believer can join the worship service and express their support for others and the church. To keep safe yourself and others, stay home and take care of your health!